Fornøyd museumsbestyrer

Rune Holtet og Theo Dasbach.
Theo Dasbach heter karen som eier og driver Rock ’n Roll & Blues Heritage Museum i Clarksdale som er avbildet og omtalt i Rune Holtets bildereportasje. Holtet forteller at Dasbach har vært ivrig samler hele livet og det er han som eier hele den imponerende samlingen i museet. Dasbach er svært fornøyd med artikkelen her i ROCK og følgende epost kom forleden dumpende:

Thank you for your article and photo's.

I am excited to inform you that we have acquired some rare 78 RPM reference recordings of Robert Johnson on Columbia records which will be on display in our vintage blues section of our Museum; songs include "Love in Vain " and "Ramblin on my mind". Other new items on display in April will be a guitar autographed by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.

Early April our Museum will be visited by the Sam Cooke Fan Club. April 4 in Clarksdale will be proclaimed "Sam Cooke Day". As you know Sam Cooke was born in Clarksdale and for this exciting occasion we will have a special display in our Museum of two acetates of Sam Cooke recordings.

Also in April starting during the Juke Joint Festifal we plan to have a new exhibit of vintage Black and White photo's of artists of the Fifties by Marilyn Bond. Marilyn has published some of these photo's in a book and we hope that she will be present during the Jukejoint festival in Clarksdale to sell and autograph copies of her book to the general public.

Other exiting news is that we will organize again in cooperation with Roger Stolle this year the Clarksdale Caravan Music Fest on May 10, 2008. This free Street festival was organized for the first time last year in down town Clarksdale by us and due to encouraging reactions we decided to make organize it again this year after the W.C. Awards event which this year will be held in Tunica. Artists will be playing in front of our Museum and Cathead in historic downtown Clarksdale. Next to established blues artists also several several rock and blues bands have comitted themselves to play for exposure and donations.

The final line-up for the Clarksdale Caravan Music Fest in the coming months will be published on the websites

The well known blues artist SuperChikan has now his own place in Clarksdale at 235 Yazoo Avenue. The cool thing is if there is entertainment at night that SuperChikan if he is not on tour walks in in his own place and plays for fun if he is in the mood which is almost always. Also he will autograph his cd's if you buy them!

On february 29, 2008 we plan to hold a fund raising back door birthday party (yes it's my birthday do not ask my age I'm 36 again) for the Clarksdale Caravan Fest in the back of our Museum starting at

So if there are any Norewegians in Clarksdale let us know!!!

So a lot is happening in Clarksdale, Mississippi in 2008.

Best wishes for the new year!

All the best
Theo Dasbach

Rock 'n Roll & Blues Heritage Museum
113 East 2nd Street
Clarksdale,MS 38614
901-605-8662 (mobile)